all postcodes in GU14 / FARNBOROUGH

find any address or company within the GU14 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU14 6AA 8 1 51.278236 -0.753498
GU14 6AB 47 1 51.278184 -0.752051
GU14 6AD 12 0 51.277631 -0.752396
GU14 6AE 10 0 51.277198 -0.753167
GU14 6AF 26 0 51.277186 -0.753727
GU14 6AG 4 0 51.276531 -0.753874
GU14 6AH 18 0 51.27597 -0.751853
GU14 6AJ 22 0 51.275143 -0.751058
GU14 6AL 13 0 51.27538 -0.750521
GU14 6AN 6 0 51.274489 -0.750417
GU14 6AP 40 0 51.275033 -0.752481
GU14 6AQ 30 3 51.276318 -0.751629
GU14 6AR 10 0 51.274338 -0.752241
GU14 6AS 26 0 51.275184 -0.753208
GU14 6AT 17 1 51.276033 -0.754332
GU14 6AU 43 1 51.274986 -0.754001
GU14 6AW 28 1 51.275203 -0.751573
GU14 6AX 26 0 51.274992 -0.75456
GU14 6AY 12 8 51.274883 -0.755338
GU14 6AZ 1 1 51.274167 -0.755658